Sharice Shows Her Cards, Down the Pelosi Path


Kansas Third District Rep. Sharice Davids has pushed her chips into the center of the table and shown her cards: She is all-in for impeachment and she will follow San Francisco Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi wherever she leads.

Sure, Democrats have literally been calling for the President’s impeachment since the day he was inaugurated. But Davids was silent on the issue, as long as Speaker Pelosi wasn’t calling for it.

But as soon as Pelosi’s switch was flipped? Davids joined in.

Her reasoning? “The reports that the President asked Ukrainian officials to help him investigate a political opponent, if true, represent a clear abuse of power and mean he invited foreign interference into our democracy for his own political gain.”
[Emphasis added.]

Hmm. Interesting.

Wonder what Pelosi…er…Davids…thinks about the May 2018 letter from Senate Democrats to Ukraine leaders asking them to continue investigating Paul Manafort, in order to keep a “robust and close relationship with Ukraine.” From the ones who have the power of appropriations on foreign aid. You know a Senator, asking Ukrainian officials to help him investigate a political opponent, … for his own political gain.”

Is this the dreaded, “whataboutism”? Sure.

But the point is, is what the President and Senators did a horrible thing, or isn’t it? Or is it just horrible when it’s Donald Trump, and your base screams and shouts about it?

Then again, knowing that the Senate isn’t going to oust the President anyway, is Davids really just using a political tactic — using her government office to investigate a political opponent for … her own political gain?

Wait a minute…


From a sheer political viewpoint, this is an interesting move for Davids — probably one that she doesn’t have to take.

A political consultant friend was telling me about a bi-partisan convention of political consultants he recently attended. The question addressed by many there was, “How do we handle suburban moms, vis-à-vis Trump?”

Answer: We don’t know.

In the past election, it seemed clear that the suburban mom voting block hated the President, and going full-out anti-Trump was election gold. And Sharice Davids mined that viewpoint for her Congressional seat.

But something happened on the way to 2020.
Democrats went nuts.

Green New Deal.
Single Payer Health Plans.
Elimination of Private Insurance.
Trillion Dollar upending of the economy.
Abortion on demand.
Gun confiscation.

And an undying hatred of anything and everything the President said or did.

In the meantime, suburban women have given all of this a skeptical eye. And up until now, Davids and Pelosi seem to have recognized this.

But now they’ve decided to throw all of that caution to the wind, and make the 2020 election about impeachment. What else could it be about, right?

The far-Left Democrat base may be for spending Trillions on climate-change — where there is no actual solution to anything in sight — and eliminating private insurance.

But the centrists aren’t actually buying that stuff.

And the Republicans will be selling peace and prosperity, however you want to define that.

So, Peace and Prosperity vs. Impeachment.

The guess is, Sharice Davids’s opponents will take that gamble.


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