KCStar: 1 Dem down, another to go


First, for your Monday, the latest in Barbecue Wear, from Senate candidate Kris Kobach:

I don’t get it.


For the Kansas City Star, it’s one down and at least one more to go, before trying to move on to Kathleen Sebelius.


Well, the Star was nearly overjoyed by the news that Barry Grissom “had his head in the sand” while his staff broke legal and ethical rules while he was U.S. Attorney.

They note, Democrats “will likely need to look for someone other than Barry Grissom.”

  • Is Grissom innocent before proven guilty?
  • Is Grissom allowed to defend himself?
  • Is Grissom at least given the benefit of the doubt, before all of the facts are in?

No, no and NO!

Barry, we hardly knew ye!

You see, the Star knows that whomever the Republicans throw into the Senate General Election, including Kris Kobach, Barry Grissom, with his Harry Potter spectacles, isn’t winning.

So the sooner they can write him off the better.

Nancy Boyda? The former House loser probably can’t win either — though at least she has a little moxie against her own party and doesn’t have “Mr.” in front of her name.

But let’s be honest: The Star isn’t pinning their hopes on Boyda either.

They’re all about Kathleen Sebelius riding in to the rescue — assuming that Mike Pompeo doesn’t get in the race.

But even with Pompeo in, The Star is ready to take him on. Not sure of their position? Here ya go:


So the sooner the better with Grissom. And with Boyda.
And maybe, juuuust maybe, Kathleen will change her mind and make it a race.

But in the meantime, don’t let the door hit you on the way out Barry.


And here’s the thing: You may think that if Republicans get past Kris Kobach the press will finally be on their side.


Unless Republicans declare their full-throated hatred for the President and all of his polcies, they will never be on their side.

E.g., there’s Burdett Loomis hammering Senator Jerry Moran yesterday because he does not declare that the President of the United States is, “unfit for the position he holds.”

So that’s it, GOP. You want the support of the press?
Damn the President.
Change your basic policy positions.
Turn your back on the Constitution.
And ignore your constituents.

Oh, and change your party to Democrat.

THEN the press will be on your side.
It’s that easy.


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